It was a pleasure to work with Florida adoption attorney Jeanne Tate and her adoption agency Heart of Adoptions, Inc. to finalize the adoption of Eloise.
The birth mother is located in North Carolina, and the adoptive parents live in Florida. Because the adoption is across state lines, both states’ legal process needed to be followed using an Interstate Compact for Placement of Children (ICPC).
To comply with NC laws, PHLG handled the paperwork and court filings. In addition, A Child’s Hope provided the appropriate adoption counseling and gathered the necessary signatures from the birth mother, as well as coordinated with the hospital.
Eloise is now with her forever family in Florida.
If you are considering or in the middle of an interstate adoption that involves either the adopting or birth family residing in North Carolina, give us a call at 919-821-1860. We will be happy to assist with local legal requirements and connect you with appropriate supportive services.